Crocodile Preston's island adventure. P1.

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 1:10:1 PM

The Australian Queen was a good old boat. It was made in Townsville in 1896, and for years Ray and I took tourists out in it to see the jungle. It was Ray's boat, not mine. Ray was my boss. Poor old Ray! He's never forgotten that boat. We lost it last year. It happened like this ...

I was sitting in the coffee shop, having my breakfast - four cups of coffee and a beefburger. There wasn't any work to do. The tourist season was over. Ray came in about eleven o'clock. He sat down at my table.

'Hey, Sheila! I'll have an egg on toast and a coffee,' he shouted. Sheila came over to the table. She didn't like Ray. She didn't like me, either. But there was only one coffee shop in Woonawarra.

You haven't paid for yesterday's breakfast yet,' she said. 'Nor for the day before.' 'Mr Preston's paying,' Ray said. 'G'day, Croc' Ray always calls me Croc. He tells the tourists that I'm a crocodile hunter. It isn't true, but it's good for business.

'G'day, Ray,' I said. 'I'm not paying for your breakfast, mate. You haven't paid me any wages for two weeks. I haven't got any money. You're the boss - you pay.' 'Look,' said Ray, 'I've got an idea ...'