give vs. make vs. do (CAE. Collocations)

Дата публикации: Sep 27, 2016 5:1:54 PM

Household jobs: do or make?

To talk about jobs in the home you can use such phrases as wash the dishes, clean the kitchen floor, set the table, etc. In conversation the verb do is often used instead:

Let me do the dishes.

Michael said he would do the kitchen floor.

It’s your turn to do the table.

Do is often used with nouns ending in -ing:to do the shopping/​cleaning/​ironing/​vacuuming.

The verb make is used especially in the phrase make the beds and when you are talking about preparing or cooking food:

He makes a great lasagne.

I’ll make breakfast while you’re having a shower.

You can also say get, get ready and, especially in North American English, fix for preparing meals:

Can you get dinner while I put the kids to bed?

Sit down—I’ll fix supper for you.


make do create develop produce generate form

These words all mean to make something from parts or materials, or to cause something to exist or happen.

make to create or prepare something by combining materials or putting parts together; to cause something to exist or happen:

She makes her own clothes. She made a good impression on the interviewer.

do (rather informal) to make or prepare something, especially something artistic or something to eat:

He did a beautiful drawing of a house.

Who’s doing the food for the party?

create to make something exist or happen, especially something new that did not exist before:

Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.

make or create?

Make is a more general word and is more often used for physical things: you would usually make a table/​dress/​cake but create jobs/​wealth.

You can use create for something physical in order to emphasize how original or unusual the object is:

Try this new dish, created by our head chef.

develop (used especially in business contexts) to think of and produce a new product:to develop new software

produce to make things to be sold; to create something using skill: a factory that produces microchips

generate to produce or create something, especially power, money or ideas:to generate electricity

Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.

form [often passive] to make something from something else; to make something into something else:Rearrange the letters to form a new word. The chain is formed from 136 links.


to make/​create/​develop/​produce/​generate/​form something from/​out of something

to make/​form something into something

to make/​produce wine

to create/​develop a new product

to create/​produce/​generate income/​profits/​wealth

to produce/​generate electricity/​heat/​power


General differences among English light verbs

FCE info

Make is also used with most nouns for ways of speaking/planning. For example, you make a complaint, a promise, an offer, a threat, a speech, an apology, a point, a confession, an accusation, a suggestion, an arrangement, a decision, a plan, an appointment.

But, have is used with most nouns which involve a two-way discussion. For example, you have a conversation, a chat, a discussion, an argument, a fight, a row, a meeting, an interview.

We also often use have + a + verb (where the verb and the noun are the same). For example, have a look, a rest, a sleep, a drink, a walk, a go.

make vs. do

Вопрос:Какая диф. сема между make = делать -:- do = делать ?

Задание:Заполните пропуски make (прошед. made/made)/do (прошед. did/done).

1. What is it … of? — из чего это сделано?

2. This room will … for the office — эта комната подойдёт под контору

3. He … a sketch — он сделал набросок

4. What does he … for a living? — чем он зарабатывает на жизнь?, чем он занимается?

5. How much (money) do you … a week? — сколько (денег) вы зарабатываете /получаете/ в неделю?

6. We … friends with him very quickly — мы быстро подружились с ним

7. When shall I see you, Monday or Tuesday? — Let's … it Tuesday — когда я вас увижу, в понедельник или во вторник? — Договоримся на вторник.

8. What can I … for you? — Что я могу сделать для вас?


do vs. make

do – статическая структура, ничего нового в результате не появляется

make - динамическая структура, в результате новая сущность

1. What is it made of? — из чего это сделано?

2. This room will do for the office — эта комната подойдёт под контору

3. He made a sketch — он сделал набросок

4. What does he do for a living? — чем он зарабатывает на жизнь?, чем он занимается?

5. How much (money) do you make a week? — сколько (денег) вы зарабатываете /получаете/ в неделю?

6. We made friends with him very quickly — мы быстро подружились с ним

7. When shall I see you, Monday or Tuesday? — Let's make it Tuesday — когда я вас увижу, в понедельник или во вторник? — Договоримся на вторник.

8. What can I do for you? — Что я могу сделать для вас?

Make vs. create (сделать)

Make – имея набор исходных компонентов сделать из них что-то новое.

Create – не имея ничего, что интерпретируется как исходные компоненты, внезапно/неожиданно для всех, сделать на ровном месте новую сущность (=чудо).

Make a choice – сделать выбор из представленных вариантов.

Create a choice – создать выбор вариантов для последующего making.

в этой оппозиции make - статическая, а create - динамическая


do - make - create

Доп. вопросы:

1. Почему living do, а money make?

2. Как меняется смысл: What can I do for you? -:- What can I make for you?

3. Как меняется смысл: He made a sketch -:- He did a sketch?

He did a sketch - Он сделал физ.упражнение под таким названием. Тут ид-ориентированная.

статика - do - make - create - динамика

бессодержательность - do - make - create - содержание

пр-во/время - do - make - create - субстанция/причинность

фактуальность - do - make - create - абстракция

ОДО - do - make - create - ОДЗ

living do - процесс/пр-во/время, нет причинности/результата, (это синекдоха)

money make - есть причинность, (это метафора)

What can I do for you?

Что я могу для вас сделать? В общем смысле, вежливая форма.

What can I make for you?

Что мне сделать для вас? Например какую игрушку свернуть из надувного длинного шарика.

Что я могу для вас сделать? Чем помочь? Вопрос receptionist к посетителю.

Что мне сделать для вас? Вопрос уличного артиста к ребенку, какую игрушку свернуть из надувного длинного шарика.

Доп. вопрос:

Сделайте мне одолжение. = do или make?


ну одолжение, это же что-то абстрактное, оно к полюсу ОДО как-то плохо крепится

если make взять, то получится сверните мне бантик/ленточку (=знак внимания, причинность)

Please make me your favour - He wore his lady's favour - на нем была ленточка

They made a favour of that accident

make - поимели выгоду - новая сущность появилась, социально ориентированная, причинность есть, метафора

На лингвистическом уровне еще проще: make = gain/get/receive/have/hold, т.е. make в данном контексте не из оппозиции make -:- do, а из оппозиции make -:- get/have. Ведь может один объект быть включенным в различные семантические/парадигматические группы = например, яблоко может быть в оппозиции (= парадигме) фрукты, а может быть в оппозиции пища, и в мн. др оппозициях: круглые предметы, муляжи, символы, и пр.

They made a party → устроили вечеринку = организовали для кого-либо

They got a party → провели вечеринку = организовали сами для себя

They had a party → были на вечеринке

give/take vs. present vs. дарить


1. Какое смысловое (семантическое) отличие между give = дарить и present (= ударение на втором слоге) = дарить?

2. На фотографии процедура дарения - giving или presenting?



give - это просто передача какого-либо предмета

present - это С-Эго ориентированный перформанс см. значения ниже (аналогично commence at begin vs. start vs. commence). Часть значений показывает, что present это сам по себе знак, то есть миф (знак из знака).

2. presenting (церемония)

present verb BrE /prɪˈzent/ ; NAmE /prɪˈzent/


1. to give something to somebody, especially formally at a ceremony

present something The local MP will start the race and present the prizes.

present somebody with something On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.

present something to somebody The sword was presented by the family to the museum.

something to be considered

2. to show or offer something for other people to look at or consider

present something (to somebody) The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June.

present something (for something) Eight options were presented for consideration.

Are you presenting a paper at the conference?

He presents a convincing case.

The banks will begin to present their arguments today.

something in particular way

3. to show or describe something/somebody in a particular way

present something The company has decided it must present a more modern image.

It is essential that we present a united front (= show that we all agree).

present yourself + adv./prep. You need to present yourself better.

present something/somebody/yourself as something He likes to present himself as a radical politician.

The press presents this as a kind of victory.

The article presents these proposals as misguided.

somebody with problem

4. to cause something to happen or be experienced

present somebody with something Your request shouldn't present us with any problems.

present something Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.

Irradiation presents environmental dangers.


5. (of an opportunity, a solution, etc.) to suddenly happen or become available

synonym arise

present itself One major problem did present itself, though.

As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.

present itself to somebody Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.

radio/TV programme

6. present something (British English) to appear in a radio or television programme and introduce the different items in it

She used to present a gardening programme on TV.

See related entries: Radio broadcasting, Producing TV shows


7. present something to produce a show, play, broadcast, etc. for the public

Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of ‘King Lear’.

The string orchestra of the Music School of Lemgo will present a concert in the Guildhall.

introduce somebody

8. present somebody (to somebody) (formal) to introduce somebody formally, especially to somebody of higher rank or status

May I present my fiancé to you?


9. present yourself at, for, in, etc. (formal) to officially appear somewhere

You will be asked to present yourself for interview.

She was ordered to present herself in court on 20 May.

express something

10. present something (to somebody) (formal) to offer or express something in speech or writing

Please allow me to present my apologies.


11. present something to give somebody a cheque or bill that they should pay

A cheque presented by Mr Jackson was returned by the bank.

The builders presented a bill for several hundred pounds.