Hippophae rhamnoïdes L. / Duindoorn


Algemene en botanische informatie Familie: Elaeagnaceae Namen: Frans: Argousier, Engels: SeaBuckthorn; Duits: Sanddorn Ecologie, teelt: groeit het best op arme zandbodem en komt daarom veel voor in de duingebieden van Noord-Oost Europa, maar ook op steile kiezelgronden in de Alpen en in de mediterrane kustgebieden. Sterke woekerende wortelstok. Mannelijke en vrouwelijke planten Etymologie: Hippos, betekent paard en paos, licht, werd door de Mongolen tegen oogkwalen bij paarden gebruikt. Materia medica Hippophae fructus, de rijpe oranje bessen in september en oktober

Hoe kun je de bessen plukken zonder ze stuk te knijpen en je vingers aan de scherpe stekels te verwonden? Omdat dit niet goed lukt werd vroeger voor huisgebruik de struik dan ook "gemolken" d.w.z. de bessen werden aan de struik stuk geknepen en het sap in een schaal opgevangen. Het zo gewonnen sap werd later d.m.v. een fijne zeef gereinigd.

Het moderne oogsten: dichtbegroeide takken worden afgesneden en bij -40° C diepgevroren. Door machinaal schudden kunnen nu de bessen onbeschadigd van de takken verwijderd worden. Tot het verdere verwerken blijven de bessen diepgevroren, meestal worden ze dan gebruikt voor de productie van sap en moes.

Hippophaes oleum, duindoornolie,

gewonnen uit vruchtvlees en pitten, een drogende olie met regenererende eigenschappen.

Samenstelling en Farmacologie

** vooral vitamine C, maar ook B1 en B2

** carotinoïden, provitamine A

** vetzuren

* mineralen: selenium, zink

* lignanen: secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol (phyto-oestrogenen, zie Linum) een van de weinige bessen met zowel vitamine A, C en E

    • anti-oxydantwerking,

    • immuunmodulerend,

    • huidbeschermend

Indicatie, medisch gebruik

** Algemeen versterkend middel bij vitaminegebrek, herstel na ziekte, vermoeidheid.

** In cosmetica voor de gezondheid van de huid, vooral voor droge en oudere huid.

** Huidbeschadigingen door bestraling en bevriezing, eczeem, zweren, pigmentvlekken, zonnebrand, bescherming tegen UV en rontgenstraling.

* Omwille van zijn anti-oxydantwerking: kankerwerend en mogelijk regenererende werking bij hartinfarcten.

* Maagzweren (ook Matricaria, Glyccyrhiza en Kool).

Receptuur en bereidingswijzen

    • verse bessen

    • siroop: bessen in honing of suiker

    • olie uit bessen en pitten

    • in cosmetica: zalf, olie en vers moes als gezichtsmasker of op brandwonden

Hoe kun je de bessen plukken zonder ze stuk te knijpen en de vingers aan de scherpe stekels te verwonden? Omdat dit meestal niet lukt werd voor huisgebruik de struik dan ook "gemolken" d.w.z. dat de bessen aan de struik stuk geknepen en het sap in een schaal opgevangen werd. Het zo gewonnen sap werd later d.m.v. een fijne zeef gereinigd. Het moderne oogsten gaat a.h.v.: dichtbegroeide takken worden afgesneden en bij -40° C diepgevroren. Door machinaal schudden kunnen nu de bessen onbeschadigd van de takken verwijderd worden. Tot het verdere verwerken blijven de bessen diepgevroren, meestal worden ze dan gebruikt voor de productie van sap en moes.

Geschiedenis en wetenschappelijk onderzoek


    • Padmavathi B, Upreti M, Singh V, Rao AR, Singh RP, Rath PC. Chemoprevention by Hippophae rhamnoides: effects on tumorigenesis, phase II and antioxidant enzymes, and IRF-1 transcription factor.Nutr Cancer. 2005;51(1):59-67.

    • Geetha S, Sai Ram M, Singh V, Ilavazhagan G, Sawhney RC. Anti-oxidant and immunomodulatory properties of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)--an in vitro study. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Mar;79(3):373-8.

    • Chawla R, Arora R, Singh S, Sagar RK, Sharma RK, Kumar R, Sharma A, Gupta ML, Singh S, Prasad J, Khan HA, Swaroop A, Sinha AK, Gupta AK, Tripathi RP, Ahuja PS

    • Radioprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Fractionated Extracts of Berries of Hippophae rhamnoides. J Med Food 2007; 10(1):101-9.

    • Koyama T, Taka A, Togashi H. Effects of a herbal medicine, Hippophae rhamnoides, on cardiovascular functions and coronary microvessels in the spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rat. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2009; 41(1):17-26.

    • Wang ZY, Luo XL, He CP. Management of burn wounds with Hippophae rhamnoides oil.

    • Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 2006 Jan 20; 26(1):124-5. ...patients receiving the dressing showed more obvious exudation reduction, pain relief, and faster epithelial cell growth and wound healing, with statistically significant difference between the two groups.

    • Xing J, Yang B, Dong Y, Wang B, Wang J, Kallio HP. Effects of sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.) seed and pulp oils on experimental models of gastric ulcer in rats. Fitoterapia 2002 Dec; 73(7-8):644-50.

    • Yang B, et al. Secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol of sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.) berries of different subspecies and harvesting times. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Oct 18;54(21):8065-70 [PMID: 17032010] Sea buckthorn contains lignans. Lignans block aromatase and 5- alpha reductase, sparing testosterone.

Duindoorn links





Literatuur / Boek

Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Production and Utilization. T.S.C. Li and T.H.J. Beveridge. NRC Research Press Publishing ISBN-13 9780660969312. Bibliotheek Maurice Godefridi

The berries and their usage were also mentioned in China, 1,200 years ago, and in Tibetan medical texts around 1,000 years ago. From there, Sea Buckthorn spread over Russia and the Ukraine into Europe, finally reaching the British Isles.

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), a plant native to Europe and Asia. Sea buckthorn has been known and used by Eurasians for centuries. It was first mentioned in the ancient Greek writings where horses fed with the leaves and young branches of the sea buckthorn plant experienced increased weight gain and developed a shiny coat. This provided the basis for the Latin name, 'Hippo' - horse and 'phaos' - to shine. The medicinal value of sea buckthorn was also recorded in Tibetan medical records in the eighth century.

In Russia, the sea buckthorn industry has been thriving since the 1940s, when scientists began to investigate the active properties found in the fruit and leaves. In China, research and plantation establishments were initiated in the 1980s and since 1982 over 300,000 ha of sea buckthorn have been planted. This has created 150 processing factories, producing over 200 products.

Geschiedenis van de duindoorn

Hippophae rhamnoides L. or The tree make horses glittering!

Sea buckthorn was already known in Ancient Greek times. It is also called "Sallow Thorn", presumably from the berries which can stain the skin yellow (they have been used to make pigments and dyes). Sea-Buckthorn's Latin name is Hippophae rhamnoides L., translated to mean "giving light to a horse" (hippos - horse, phaos - light); refer- , to its reputed power of curing blindness in horses (- well, who am I to argue). It is native to Europe and some northern regions of Asia, but is cultivated elsewhere too.

In ancient Greece,greeks war and riding horses,horse is a kind of important and speedy vehicle for the greeks,thus brings Greeks a peculiar feelings to horses,they never kill any horses,and always free the wounded horses and the horses old weaks to the wild,emerge and perish themselves.

Once the Greeks free about 60 horses to the field,several months later these sick horses come back and appears very strong,and the horse hair glittering,thus arose the curiosity of the Greeks.Later they know the horses came to a shrub of sea buckthorn,chew the leaves when hungry and chew the fruit berry when thirsty,horses depend on sea buckthorns.Thus the wise greeks knows the curative property of sea buckthorn.Ever since then,Greeks applied this fruit berry as medicine to stop pain,treat stomach and scurvy.So a glorious name was given to this amazing plant:Hippophae rhamnoides L. which means "the tree make horses glittering!"

Sea Buckthorn Berry and Genghis Khan slaughterer:

Ancient slaughterer header Mr.Genghis Khan ever led his cavalry troops sweep anything away from far east asia to central europe,to imporve the anabasis strength of his troops,they left some weak and old horses to sea buckthorn shrubs along side their ways,one day they came back victory and pass that shrub,it is amazing that the horses outcasted never died but all recover and got back their invincible might daya before,and the horses howling and whinying once caught sight their old master soldiers.The Robbers never got to know this small fruit sea buckthorn berry owns such mysterious properties,so report to their slaughterer header Mr.Genghis Khan this findings soon,and Mr.Genghis Khan slaughterer sent out command that all slaughterer soldiers picked up this sea buckthorn berry soon and took it as daily fruit.Good result comes and the slaughterer soldiers taken sea buckthorn berry got better physical strength and energy,stronger killing power to fight with their enemies.Later,imperial herbalists of Mongolia find ways to make recipes for their headers to strong body and prevent disease with this amazing fruit sea buckthorn berry.Mr.Genghis Khan fighting all years and strong his body with sea buckthorn berry daily after that. His grandson Hu Bi Lie Khan still ability to ride horses and toxophily even at 80 years old,this has relationships with taking sea buckthorn berry long years.

Sea Buckthorn Berry Settle problems for Army:

About 50 years ago,liberation army came into the Tibetan area to liberate local suffering people,yet serious altiplano reflection and vitamiuns deficiency threaten the health of the army people,just before the crisis came, local tibetan tribe pilot took them a kind of wild berry colored orange,named "Da Ri Bu",army doctor suggest sick soldiers taken this kind of wild berry,several days later,.sickness smoothed rapidly.Later,people know what called "Da Ri Bu",this orange wild berry is Sea Buckthorn Berry.

The Secret of Beauty come back: Brown Chicken(Crossoptilon mantchuricum) There is a kind of wild protective bird named Crossoptilon mantchuricum on Inner Mengolia area,it has pretty feathers with interphase colors blue and brown,nice gesture,yet during the feeding period,trail feather come off and feather color come to obscuration.This problem no settled long days until several years before,after careful inspection of bird researchers,wild Crossoptilon mantchuricum located sea buckthorn shrubs as their important habitat,and they got such beautiful feathers for long years taken the leaves and fruit berries of sea buckthorn.Thus feeders gave the Crossoptilon mantchuricum some sea buckthorn berry residues and leaves,several months later,this precious shrub bird called back their beauty and smartened up. Sea Buckthorn and Cosmonaut: Soviet Russia cosmonaut Gagarin ever taken large dose of sea buckthon oil before his first spacewalk,in case to avoid any possible hurt from radiationastro-radial and temperature fusion,weightlessness,etc. Sea Buckthorn and Classical Note: Late period of 8th Century,A.D.famous tibetan doctorYu Sui.Yuan Dan Gong Bu(708~833) noted and recorded the mysterious functions of sea buckthorn berry in his famous book Si Bu Yi Dian(Four Medicine Classics),sea buckthorn was noted nurish lung and dispel phlegm,adjust balance of liver,stomach,kidney and heart,vivid blood and soothe blood clot,stop pain,prompt healing up.Later in the 17th century, in a book written by Luo Sang Que Pei,Selected Edition of Tibetan Medicine,treatment effects of sea buckthorn to stomach,liver,intestines,ruffian and women disease proved. Sea Buckthorn More: The "it" ingredient of our products, Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract, derived from a botanical plant, is commercially produced and available only in the Altai Mountains, Russia and, since recently, in China. Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract, a natural bactericide, antioxidant and analgesic is well known in Eastern Europe and China for its extraordinary healing properties. The extract has been used for over one thousand years and has a proven record of benefits. However, Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract and its many properties remain fairly unknown to the U.S. market.

Sea Buckthorn is a branched spiny shrub growing along mountain riverbeds; its leaves are silvery in color, while the fruit is bright orange. Its leaves and berries have been used for food, and in medicinal and cosmetic formulations since the times immemorial. Tibetan writings dating from the Tang and Qing dynasties, which go back more than 1000 years, record the medical uses of Sea Buckthorn Extract. The plant was fed to horses in ancient Greece, where it was found to improve their health and impart a gloss to their coat. The latter property explains the Latin name of this unique plant: Hippophae Rhamnoldes,"shiny horse".

There are two major sources of Sea Buckthorn extract worldwide: Russia and China.

Only female plants produce fruit. Unfortunately, plant type cannot be determined until flowers are produced. Flowers are small, yellow and appear before the leaves being produced on three-year-old wood. Sea buckthorn plants are very hardy and can withstand temperatures of -45 to 103 F (-43 to 40 C). To ensure adequate pollination and suitable numbers of female trees, it is necessary for the orchard to have between seven and 12% of the trees as pollinators. Too many pollinator trees in the orchard can result in a reduced number of fruit bearing trees and a reduction in yields.

The university is one of Europe's leading centres of research into sea buckthorns, a berry-bearing shrub that fills Professor Kallio with enthusiasm. "The earliest references to sea buckthorn in the Chinese literature date back 800 years. It is claimed to have so many health-promoting and even curative effects that incredulity sometimes sets in. But we have studied some of the claims and our results to date are strong confirmation of the Chinese views."

Sea buckthorn is said to have beneficial effects on, among other ailments, mucous membranes in the stomach and oesophagus, skin injuries and heart and circulatory diseases. Does that entitle it to be called a functional foodstuff? "Hopefully some time, but it will take more proof than we can provide now," says Professor Kallio.

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is one of the important natural resources of the mountainous regions of China and Russia. The plant grows naturally in sandy soil at an altitude of 1,200-4,500 meters (4,000-14,000 feet) in cold climates, though it can be cultivated at lower altitudes and into temperate zones. Recently it has been extensively planted across much of northern China, and in other countries, to prevent soil erosion and to serve as an economic resource for food and medicine products. For example, Canada has invested in planting sea buckthorn, originally brought over from Siberia in the 1930s, hoping to develop a good agriculture market; Saskatchewan has ideal growing conditions, yielding a high quality product.