Lantana camara / Wisselbloem

De wisselbloem (Lantana camara) is een plant uit de ijzerhardfamilie (Verbenaceae). Het is een weinig verhoutte, tot 3 m hoge halfheester die op sommige plekken met kromme stekels is bezet. De twijgen zijn vierkantig. De tegenoverstaande, iets gerimpelde bladeren zijn eivormig, gezaagd, ruwharig en 4-10 cm lang. Bij kneuzing ruiken de bladeren onaangenaam.De wisselbloem komt van nature voor van Zuid-Amerika tot Texas. De soort komt wereldwijd in de (sub)tropen voor.

In België en Nederland kan de wisselbloem als kuipplant 's zomers buiten worden gehouden. 's Winters kan de plant het beste in een koel vertrek in huis, in de oranjerie of in de koude kas worden gehouden.

The plant Lantana camara Linn family Verbenaceae is available throughout central and south India in most dry stony hills and black soil. A large scrambling evergreen, strong smelling shrub with stout recurred prickles; leaves opposite, often rugose, scabrid on both sides; flowers small, normally orange but often white to dark red, in heads which are prominently capitates; bracts conspicuous and persistent. Fruits are small, 5 mm diameter, greenish‐blue, blackish, drupaceous, shining with two nutlets almost throughout the year and dispersed by birds. Seeds germinate very easily.

The chemical constitution for lantana camara is caryophyllene, 1‐α‐phellandrene, lantadene A, lantadene B, lancamarone quinine, lantanine. The plant

is vulneary, diaphoretic, carminative, antispasmodic and tonic, wounds, ulcers, swelling, tumours and rheumatism1


The present communication attempts to evaluate the physicochemical and preliminary phytochemical studies on the fruits of lantana camara (L.)

Verbenaceae family. A large scrambling evergreen, strong smelling shrub with stout recurred prickles. Lantana camara is widely distributed in

tropical America, but now naturalized in many parts of India as a troublesome prickly weed. The chemical constitution for lantana camara is

caryophyllene, 1‐α‐phellandrene, lantadene A, lantadene B, lancamarone quinine, lantanine. The plant is vulneary, diaphoretic, carminative,

antispasmodic and tonic, wounds, ulcers, swelling, tumours and rheumatism. As there is no detailed standardisation work reported on fruits, the

physicochemical parameters, preliminary phytochemical constants are carried out. The study revealed specific identities for the particular crude

drug which will be useful in identification and control to adulterations of the raw drug. The study revealed specific identities for the particular crude

drug which will be useful in identification and control to adulterations of the raw drug.