erwt 'Vilmorin's acacia'

De erwt 'Vilmorin's acacia' is waarschijnlijk gelijk aan de doperwt 'Acacia nain hâtif' uit 'Les Plantes Potagères' van Vilmorin-Andrieux uit 1925. Ze ontstond waarschijnlijk eind 1800 (Jardins de France, 1899). Het was een kleine doperwt met ronde zaden. "Pois ainsi nommé en raison du nombre de folioles (cinq ou six paires) dont se composent les feuilles et de l'absence totale de vrilles; ces dernières sont remplacées, en effet, par une foliole terminale."

"Pea 'Acacia' was used by White in breeding work at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in 1917, three strains of it having been secured from Bateson of England and Vilmorin of France Our systematist believes it is a reversion to a very early type, as it is distinct from all other varieties known to us in having no tendrils but with leaflets replacing the tendrils, so that all leaves

above one or two at the base consist of 4 full pairs and a terminal

leaflet, very small, closely set and medium green in color.

Height seldom exceeds a foot; pods, usually single, from 3rd node up, on long, slender stalks, usually 2' 2 to 2 7s inches long, occasionally straight or slightly curved at the tip, plump, blunt or square-ended, with a rather large tip, well filled; peas averaging more than 5, medium-sized, medium green, which color is held or even deepened in cooking, not sweet, but only poor to fair in quality; seeds well wrinkled. It is a midseason pea, giving very good

crops for such small plants." (The vegetables of New York, 1928)