For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Easter to Pentecost     Easter 6     John 14:23-29 or John 5:1-9.  John 14:23-29 is used

Remembering (YC No 192)

Our memories are alive with him

Who was proclaimed - the Living Word;

He said his teachings were from God;

When we believe our hearts are stirred.


 “Your love will show when you obey

The teachings that you hear and see,

For what I teach is not my own

But what my Father teaches me.”


 “God’s spirit will bring to your mind

All I have said, all that is true;

Your Helper will be by your side;

My peace is what I leave with you.”


When we hear Jesus speaking so

We can but listen to his voice;

His word becomes our guiding light

For each decision, every choice.


When we hear Jesus speaking so

We can but listen and take heed;

As his disciples of today

We learn from him; he is our creed.


When we hear Jesus speaking so

We can but listen gratefully;

Good News from him allays our fears;

We sing a sacred melody.

Tune  Maryton  AHB 522  TiS 601
Download & listen to the tune

View or print the musical score

Print the lyrics

Download a Power Point of the lyrics

192.pdf Mus