Jesus' love (Vol 2 No 77)

The story of the cross of woe

Is like no other that I know.

It tells of one who died alone;

It tells a tale of love unknown.


The powers of the church and state

Would not permit or tolerate

Such insurrection or dissent;

“To stay alive, he must relent.”

His passion turned to tragedy;

His friends deserted shamefully;

He was betrayed; he was denied;

They ran away before he died.




He loved the one who did deny;

He loved that one; we don’t know why;

He loved the one who did betray;

For loving was his only way.


He loved the ones who drove each nail;

His love for others did not fail;

He uttered love with every breath;

His love prevailed ev’n at his death.


So Jesus says eternally,

“There’s nothing you can do or be,

There’s nothing you have been or done

That halts God’s love.”  God’s love has won!


The singing could be stopped after verse 3 and the worship leader say something like – “Having sung about the horrible situation confronting Jesus we now sing about his response.  He was treated badly by everyone - AND YET…..  Let us sing about it.” 
Tune  Tallis Canon  AHB 357,468  TiS 443,558
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