For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Epiphany 3     Matthew 4:12-23

Jesus' Teaching (YA No 19)

Albert Nolan in his book ‘Jesus before Christianity’ speaks about four main emphases in Jesus’ life and teaching. He has chapters entitled The “Kingdom” and Power, The “Kingdom” and Money, The “Kingdom” and Prestige and The “Kingdom” and Solidarity.


We have a gracious guide

Taught us all how to decide

How to respond to our trials and fears;

Jesus, that special name,

For him who we proclaim,

Will take us all to new frontiers.


Jesus could be abrupt;

Warned that power can corrupt,

Can lead to brutal authority;

“If you would be the first,

Choose what would put you last

And humbly serve with dignity.”


Jesus, a teacher bold,

Cautioned us that love of gold

Can lead us into a life of greed.

We can be satisfied,

And joy be multiplied

If ‘Living simply’ is our creed.


Jesus, a humble man

Taught that status is a sham;

Rank and position impart no worth;

Our value, holding fast,

Unaided by our caste,

Is forged in us before our birth.


Jesus, his message clear;

Taught and lived it without fear;

Constantly claimed there were none outside

Of his great gentleness

And his inclusiveness;

His arms were always open wide.

Tune Crusader’s Hymn  Not in AHB or TiS  

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