For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

After Pentecost     Pentecost 14     Matthew 18:21-35, particularly verses 21-34

Forgiveness (YA No 67)

When Jesus told his stories

He often was extreme;

When teaching on forgiveness

He spoke of God’s regime.

“A king had men who served him;

When settling each account

One servant owed ten million –

A grossly huge amount.”


“The king was very angry;

He said, ‘He must be sold

Together with his assets,

His family young and old.’

This servant cried for mercy;

At such an awful threat!

The king was moved to pity,

And so forgave the debt.”


“This servant then decided

To settle an account;

A fellow servant owed him

A very small amount;

The debt of just one hundred

Was small by any scale;

But when he could not pay him

He threw the man in jail.”


“When other servants heard this

They all were most distressed;

They told the king the story;

He would not let it rest;

He called the wicked servant;

His anger quickly grew;

‘You should have shown him mercy

As I have shown to you.’”


This question of forgiveness -

For us to answer now –

Should we forgive each other?

To what extent and how?

Is seven times sufficient?

For Jesus, he said, “No;

Forgiveness knows no limit;

My story tells you so.”

Tune  Pelan  AHB 504  TiS 588

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