

I have devoted this next section to the 23 statements of faith which can be found at the end of Dr. Francis Mancab’s book, ‘Discover a new faith – Energy for a better life’.  I have personally found these statements both instructive and helpful.  For me, they clearly point to the significant differences between what I now believe and what I have been taught over many years during my earlier church life.   For me, these statements are energising statements. 


In my lyrics I have obviously interpreted these statements, sometimes adding to them a few extra thoughts but I have endeavoured to be faithful to the original statements and their content while putting them into verse   In doing so, I hope I have not distorted the meanings or emphases of any of them.   I am indebted to Dr. Macnab for his gracious permission to write the lyrics and also to print them in this volume of Singing a New Song.


I have often been told that people who have the traditional faith have a ‘simple’ faith.   I suggest it is not ‘simple’ but familiar.  Driving a car is a very complex undertaking but because of familiarity we might think it is simple.  It is not.   Just so, the traditional, orthodox faith is not simple.  The idea of the Trinity  mystifies most traditional believers but they accept it. The humanity/divinity of Jesus is also incredibly complex and has been the source of much debate down the ages since the Caledonian Decree tried to put it to rest in 451CE.  For many, to read this decree, just confuses the issue even further.


So, if we find some of the content of the 23 statements somewhat complex, we should not be surprised.   This, I contend, is part of the nature of religious faith statements.  Let us struggle with them and glean from them the wisdom and the instruction they have to offer.