Para 1.  Creativity (Vol 2 No 26)

From a Canberra group comes a considered statement of beliefs in 6 paragraphs.

As progressive Christians in the 21st century, we are uncomfortable with rigid statements of belief as we recognize our understandings are shaped by life experiences within cultural and environmental contexts. Yet, there are some common understandings which continue to shape our lives, both individually and in community with others. These we seek to affirm and celebrate:


1.  We celebrate that our lives are continually evolving in a web of relationships: continuous with historical humans and their societies; with other forms of life; and with the ‘creativity’ present at the  origins of the universe. Over billions of years this ‘creativity’ - the coming into being of the new and the novel - has undergone countless transformations, and we and all other life forms are its emerging products. Thus we are called to live in community, respecting all human beings, all life forms, our planet and universe.

  When beliefs and rigid doctrines,

  Like stone statues cold as death,

  Discipline us into silence,

  Rob us of life-giving breath;

  We can voice our great discomfort

  As we recognize the truth

  That our life and all our living

  Give us insight from our youth.


  We would celebrate evolving;

  In the webs of life we bond

  To the cosmos and our family,

  Humans here and those beyond;

  Thus we’re called to live together

  With respect for all that is,

  For the cosmos and our planet

  With respect for all that lives.


  ‘Creativity’ is present

  Ever since before the start;

  Brings to birth such great abundance;

  Gives birth to a loving heart.

  With this birthing of the novel

  ‘Creativity’ transforms;

  Energy and life emerges;

  Beauty seen in all its forms.


  So we celebrate the myst’ry;

  Stand in silence; look with awe;

  Countless years in billions ended

  Since the opening of the store

  Of variety and brilliance,

  Of the life-force and of grace;

  It’s amazing and so wondrous

  We can claim to have a space.

Tune  Austria  AHB 374(i),577  TiS 93,773
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