Contemplating (Vol 1 No 52)

Contemplating beauty in and all around us -

If, beholding all there is, we look where God might be,

We shall see such magic shining there before us,

God’s incarnation through eternity.


Contemplating pleasure - Each exciting venture

Can give life a thrilling edge, some fascinating glee;

In delight, amusement, we should feel no censure;

We, in enjoyment, taste God’s ecstasy.


Contemplating goodness - that which nurtures mercy -

In forgiveness, we receive and we can also give

Life and hope to pris’ners, those who feel quite empty; 

With love, acceptance, they have strength to live.


Contemplating kindness – that on which we blossom -

Building mutuality creates its own reward;

Gen’rous deeds and blessings make us feel most welcome;

God is uncovered, and is thus adored.


In our contemplation, hushed into a stillness,

Peace is known and love is grown with such serenity;

Contemplating beauty, pleasure, goodness, kindness,

We are engulfed in God’s tranquility.

Tune  Nicea  AHB 65(i)  TiS 132

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