The mustard seed (Vol 1 No 90)

From in a boat or on a hill

He told short stories with great skill.

This Rabbi used what people knew

To teach what he believed was true.


God’s reign is like small seeds when sown

Give birth to massive shrubs when grown.

Like Mustard, smaller than the rest,

Grows branches in which birds can nest.


God’s Kingdom is like yeast that makes

Dough to rise up in barley cakes.

It acts in silence from within

To make transforming work begin.


God’s kingdom is like treasure found

Quite accidentally in the ground.

He, who found it, hid his surprise;

Then sold his ‘all’, to gain his prize.


God’s kingdom is like searching for

The priceless pearl without one flaw.

A merchant felt such joy supreme;

Sold all he had to buy his dream.


Through stories, Jesus could explain

His urgent passion for God’s reign.

Now, as we hear them we can feel

Encouraged, challenged by his zeal. 

Tune  Duke Street  AH B 24,43,362,511(i)  TiS 439,594

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