We gather in this place (Vol 4 No 2)

We gather in this place today

To hear a word we need;

From Jesus’ teaching we gain strength;

We listen. We take heed.


We come with open hearts and minds

To hear a word we need;

To sing of hope; to pray for peace,

For loving is our creed.


We come to lift our spirits high;

To hear a word we need

To help enrich the lives we live;

And then in faith proceed.


We come concerned about our world,

To hear a word we need

To prompt us work for equity;

Stand up for those who bleed.


We gather in this place today

To hear a word we need

To stir us into love and care,

And go where Christ will lead. 

Tune  Crimond  AHB 16(i)  TiS 10

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