Jesus and New Testament demons (Vol 2 No 85)

When Jesus taught in Galilee

His hearers stood and gazed;

He spoke with such authority

They all were quite amazed.

Unlike the other teachers, he

Renounced each pious rort;

His life of such integrity

Confirmed the things he taught.


A man yelled with hostility,

“Why come here to annoy?”

He screamed with more intensity

“You’ve come here to destroy!”

But Jesus, without enmity,

Addressed that troubled soul;

He stopped that sad profanity

With poise and self-control.


These outbursts, we have come to see,

Within the gospel tales

Are those which caused brutality

And lead to violent nails.

So still these conflicts need to be

Engaged by those who care;

Such evil killed so tragically

The One whose love was rare.


We need to stand defiantly

With Jesus, and be strong;

Yes! He will battle constantly

To conquer what is wrong.

For Jesus tells humanity

How faith and hope can flower;

His victory gained non-violently

Shows love in all its power. 

Tune  Kingsfold  AHB 500,518  TiS 262,585
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