The lost coin (Vol 1 No 85)

When Jesus lived in Galilee

They followed where he went.

He taught through stories true to life;

Though many caused dissent.


This Rabbi, unlike all the rest,

He noticed household chores.

He used such work to teach God’s love;

He spoke of sweeping floors.


“A woman had ten coins she prized;

But lost one; Who knows where?!

She lit a lamp; she swept the house;

She panicked in despair.”


“Imagine this”, then Jesus said,

“Imagine her delight,

On finding it, she calls her friends;

We’ll party here tonight.”


This story told so long ago

Can still give hope today.

In love, we too can gently search

For those who lose their way. 

Tune  Glasgow  AHB 366  TiS 441
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