For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Christmas 1     Matthew 2:13-23

Joseph, the Dreamer and Moses (YA No 13)


Matthew, when telling stories of Jesus

Made sure to tell them as to a Jew;

So he used prophets and their predictions

Showing that these had really come true.


Joseph, the dreamer, in ancient Egypt

Gave to his family, safety and care;

Just as with Pharaoh, Herod was frightened;

Ordered child slaughter, causing despair.


Borrowing tales of Joseph and Moses

Jesus was seen much greater than each;

All Israel’s hist’ry told in this one life;

This was the core of what gospels preach.


These myths and legends preface the epic

We still recite and learn from today;

As we continue living compassion

We enter into his loving way.

Tune  Bunessan (2)  AHB 91, 569 TiS 156, 319, 627

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