Stress and anxiety (Vol 3 No 38)

Stress and anxiety

Can sap all our energy;

When pressed by life we can lose our way;

Tense worries cloud our view

Of paths we should pursue

When facing issues of each day.


Shallow and needless care

Of our height and clothes we wear

Can cause some tension within our mind;

But Jesus’ word was clear –

We have no need to fear;

These thoughts can all be left behind.


Birds do not reap or sow;

Think about how lilies grow;

They do not work and they do not spin;

Yet, far beyond compare,

These lilies all declare

A beauty from a depth within.


So give no anxious thought

To the things that count for naught;

Set your attentions on God’s domain;

God’s love and justice can

Give purpose to each plan;

Then treat your troubles with distain.


So journey with new zeal;

Conquer every new ordeal

With strength and courage that God can give;

Let love define our course;

Let love with all its force

Enable us to really live. 

Tune Crusaders' Hymn  Not in AHB or TiS   Similar but not the same as Ascalon and St. Elizabeth as the musical scores do not fit the lyrics.

Download & listen to the tune                               

View or print the musical score

Print the lyrics 

Download a Power Point of the lyrics

3 38.pdf Mus