For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

After Pentecost     Pentecost 12     Matthew 16:21-28, particularly verses 21-26

Growing Tensions (YA No 65)

Jesus faced the growing tension;

Fierce hostility was grim;

Yet he wished to preach his gospel

In streets of Jerusalem;

He knew that his strong opponents

Planned his death to silence him.


Peter said, “This must not happen”

Said that this should not be so;

Jesus, angered by his outburst

Cried out, “Satan! You must go!

These are foolish words from humans;

Not from God.  You are my foe!”


“If you would be my disciple

Bear your cross; come follow me.

If you gain the world but forfeit

Your true self, your dignity,

You cannot regain your honour,

Or your own integrity.”


When we live a life of loving

It will mirror Jesus’ way;

We will find a life worth living

When we give our life away;

We will then find true fulfilment

Blessings each and every day. 

Tune  Regent Square  AHB 84, 339  TiS 142, 431, 462

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