Jesus - the One who challenges (Vol 1 No 37)

Rebellion  -  he led;  he challenged the strong;

For those who were weak, he gave them a song

To sing for their freedom.  He fought hard and long

To give hope and purpose; to counter all wrong.


Resistance  -  he urged; he questioned the law;

If statutes were cruel, brought loss to the poor;

To stone and adult-ress, which caused an uproar,

In sand, he wrote quietly, her life to restore.


Subversion  -  he taught; he loosened the chain

That rulers would use to cause so much pain;

The status and power they tried to retain,

He sternly rejected, denounced as profane.


Disturbance  -  he caused and still does today;

He questions; he prompts; he probes lest we play

Along with our bias.  Confront us we pray;

That we may be strong as we walk in your way.
 Tune  Hanover  AHB 67  TiS 133,188

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