Render to Caesar (Vol 3 No 39)

Jesus knew conflict in his day;

He called for justice, come what may;

And he refused to change his way;

His stance was firm.


The questions asked were not sincere;

‘Should we pay tax to Rome each year?’

They thought they’d trapped him; they could sneer;

The conflict grew.


The Roman coin’s inscription read –

‘High Priest’, ‘Divine’ - is what it said;

On all the coins was Caesar’s head;

He ruled the world!


Blasphemy on this coin was plain;

To every Jew it was profane;

Yet Jesus used it to explain

The choice we have.


“Render to Caesar all his own;

But give to God, to God alone

All that belongs to God alone.”

We must decide.

Tune  Almsgiving  Not in AH B or TiS   Presbyterian Hymnary  19

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3 39.pdf Mus