In love we can learn to grow (Vol 3 No 15)

In love we can learn to grow;

In love we can come to know

The purpose and the aim of all the life we prize;

In love we can learn to grow;

In love we can come to know

The beauty and the charm of all life’s enterprise;

For then all our fears are put to flight;

All our blindness changed to sight;

And we can feel the spark of life ignite;

This love is the way to harmony,

As we show our sympathy;

The way we gain our dignity – with love.


Strong love lived in Galilee;

Strong love given constantly

By one who taught by word and deed how we might live;

Strong love lived in Galilee;

Strong love given constantly

By one who showed in all his life how we might give;

For then all our fears are put to flight;

All our blindness changed to sight;

And we can feel the spark of life ignite;

This love is the way to harmony,

As we show our sympathy;

The way we gain our dignity – with love.


This love given every day;

This love is a certain way

To bring to life a gentleness with peace and grace;

This love given every day;

This love is a certain way

To bring some joy and happiness we can embrace;

For then all our fears are put to flight;

All our blindness changed to sight;

And we can feel the spark of life ignite;

This love is the way to harmony,

As we show our sympathy;

The way we gain our dignity – with love; with love; with love. 

Suggested tune Not in AHB  or TiS   Give thanks By H. Smith  

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