Courage in the struggle. (Vol 4 No 46)

The courage of the one called Christ,

In Galilee, was on display;

Exposing evil of his day,

He paid the price some rebels pay.


The power structures ruled with force;

The ‘systems’ served the rich and strong;

But Jesus called for equity;

He challenged what he knew was wrong.


Dishonesty in pious words,

Hypocrisy, in all its forms,

Were judged by Jesus as unclean;

He thus, incited bitter storms.


When conflict leads to greater good,

When struggles help the ‘right’ succeed,

Then love, again, can have the chance

To work its grace in word and deed.


When we invest our efforts in

The good of all humanity,

The reign of God can then invade

Each part of our reality. 

Tune  Church Triumphant   AHB 1(1),64,299  TiS 98,376

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