The cross (Vol 1 No 43)

The cross of Jesus, years ago

Stood high upon a barren hill.

It still stands bold so all can see

How justice fails and rulers kill.


This tragic tale reflects the way

That strength and vi’lence seize their prey;

The good and evil are exposed;

The conflict, fierce, is on display


The struggle Jesus had was cruel;

In kind with all who seek the right,

Who work for justice, equity;

Who stand for truth, who crave the light.


The goal for Jesus was God’s reign;

Love was his only weaponry;

But all his actions shook the powers,

And so he went to Calvary.


Whenever love and hate are locked

In mortal battle, one will die.

Through resurrection, we believe

Faith, Hope and Love will multiply!

Tune Wareham  AHB 52,420(ii)  TiS 124,377,445

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