
There are three other papers in this section of my website.

The first paper, 'The story of the Exodus (1)' is a synopsis of the longer commentary on the Exodus story, found in the second paper.

The second paper, 'The story of the Exodus (2)' is my commentary, my interpretation and understanding of the story, giving reasons why I reject it.

The third paper, 'The story of the Exodus(3)',  is a passionate, quite subjective comment in my debate with many contemporary commentators and some liberation theologians.   On re-reading it, I think I show that I have let my own predispositions dictate my thinking too much.   I try to avoid this in the second paper, using more than 85 direct quotes from the book of Exodus in the Bible, endeavouring to let the text speak for itself.

I have, however, left this third paper on my website, because it releases much of the research I have done when looking into the story.     

Some parts of the second paper also appear in the third.  However, if you don't wish to read this third paper, please choose        The story of the Exodus (2)