The work of God (Vol 1 No 72)

We name the name of Jesus when we own the need to care;

As we seek to make a difference by our deeds and through our prayer;

In his healing, freeing, giving life he calls each one to share.

God’s spirit leads us on.


Glory, glory, hallelujah.

God’s spirit leads us on.


The ministry of healing and supporting those in pain,

For the folk whose life is howling winds and bitter wintry rain;

By our tender warmth, consoling words, we help to ease the strain.

God’s spirit leads us on.


Glory, glory, hallelujah.

God’s spirit leads us on.


The victims of the tyranny of prejudice and greed,

Those imprisoned in their fear and swamped by every human need,

Giving freedom to each other is the work of Christ indeed.

God’s spirit leads us on.


Glory, glory, hallelujah.

God’s spirit leads us on.


In springs of hope and streams of love we bathe in life’s delight;

And when peace abides and kindness thrives our flame within is bright;

So when giving life to others, gloom can turn into the light.

God’s spirit leads us on.


Glory, glory, hallelujah.

God’s spirit leads us on. 

Tune  Battle Hymn  AHB 205(ii)  TiS 315

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