For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

After Pentecost     Pentecost 4     Matthew 11 : 16-19 & 25-30, particularly verses 28-30 

His love (YA No 56)

When Jesus walked the dusty road

He knew the outcast’s heavy load

Was caused by tax and temple code -

He brought to them his love, his love.


The weak, the wretched and the poor,

The refugee outside the law,

The pris’ner and the shameful whore -

He brought to them his love, his love.


How can we fathom such a man,

A rabbi, whom they tried to ban,

But who revealed to us love’s plan -

He gave to others his love, his love.


When we remember Jesus here,

And know that he is always near;

This love that casts out all our fear;

We share with others his love, his love.

Tune - Woodworth  AHB 497(ii)  TiS 584(ii)

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