God is dancing  (Vol 2 No 20)

Do we have a picture of what God might be?

Can we think of moving with great artistry?

Can we think of dancing, dancing constantly?

Can we think God dances with unbridled glee?


When we think of dancing, never standing still;

Moving can be graceful; let us learn the skill;

Life with all its rhythms can bring tragedy,

But we keep on dancing, claim the victory.


‘God is love’ - can help us into Jesus’ mind;

When we’re dancing with him, we will sometimes find

Dancing is quite complex; some steps are quite odd,

For to dance with Jesus is to dance with God.


Gen’rous was his spirit; challenging but kind;

Dining with the outcast; seeking with the blind;

Jesus knew no bound’ries; always overcame;

Singing with the voiceless; dancing with the lame.


God the Love Dance calls us, “Use your energy

To live every moment in the dance with Me”

If we dance with Jesus, loving wastefully,

We shall find such purpose and our destiny. 

Tune Cuddesdon  Not in AHB or TiS  Presbyterian Hymnary  178
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No 20.pdf