The Near Edge (Vol 1 No 77)

The 'near edge' is one definition of discipleship is ‘To give oneself at some personal cost to the near edge of a huge problem.’

“What can we do?” Concerns arise;

What can we do but sympathize?

We cannot rid the world of pain;

We often cry, “It’s all in vain.”


Hunger and violence, poverty,

Injustice and inequity,

All seem to have the upper hand;

What can we do to make a stand?


Many a problem seems so gross,

Yet often issues come quite close;

This nearest edge is just the place

To give support and act with grace. 


Giving ourselves at pers’nal cost,

To speak the truth, retrieve the lost,

To share our wealth, forgive the foe,

Is where the Christ in us would go.


At this near edge, where we connect

To human need, we have effect

If, as disciples, we impart

God’s love unto an aching heart. 

Tune  Truro  AHB 33 TiS 84,89

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