Personal thankfulness (Vol 1 No 7)

For all the blessings in our life,

For peace and calm amidst the strife,

A thankful hymn of joy we raise

In celebration and in praise.


For parents, children, family ties,

For rainy days and clear blue skies,

A thankful hymn of joy we raise

In celebration and in praise.


For times of stress, when we can’t cope

That are the doorways to new hope,

A thankful hymn of joy we raise

In celebration and in praise.


For hearing sounds, for seeing sights,

For twilight peace and guiding lights,

A thankful hymn of joy we raise

In celebration and in praise.


For God through all and in us all,

Surrounds what is, is overall,

A thankful hymn of joy we raise

With great elation in our praise 

Tune   Rivaulx AHB 259(ii) and TiS 131

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Download a PowerPoint of the lyrics 

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