Our mother earth (Vol 1 No 100)

It is our Mother Earth

To whom we owe allegiance,

For ever since our birth

She’s shared from her abundance;

The air we need for breath,

The plants we need for food,

Cycles of life and death,

All have our gratitude.


From oceans, lakes and streams,

We draw much from their waters;

They are where nature dreams

Of bearing sons and daughters.

Then to the air and skies,

With energy and glee,

She moves with grace and flies

With polished artistry.


So how can we but grieve

When we observe pollution,

And not try to achieve

Some rehabilitation?

Repulsive is the sight

Of dirty, pois’nous slime,

Of smog that hides the light.

We must reverse this crime!


Let us avoid the doom;

We know that nature’s bleeding;

We must let flowers bloom;

We should heed all the pleading

To change what we all do,

To stop inflicting harm,

And so help to renew

All nature’s fragile charm.

Tune  Nun Danket  AHB 14  TiS 106

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