Jesus’ flesh and blood (Vol 4 No 80)

We wish to make connection

Together, not alone,

With Jesus and his spirit,

With Jesus’ flesh and bone;

And so when we remember

In symbols, bread and wine,

We share a holy union,

Both sacred and divine.


His flesh and blood - so human,

Was just like yours and mine;

And though he died in suff’ring

His love will ever shine;

In all who breed compassion,

In all who show they care

His flesh is always vibrant,

When love expels despair.


His blood of true compassion -

It flowed from nails of pain;

The evil price demanded

From ‘powers’ gone insane;

When sharing in his mission

His blood maintains its flow

In those who work for justice,

Where peace and mercy grow.


The food and drink from Jesus

That nourishes our soul

Is offered without ration,

Is that which makes us whole;

His life is lived within us

When love rules what we do;

When nurtured by his spirit

God’s reign is seen anew. 

Tune  Ewing  AHB 346  Not in TiS

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