Presumptuous Sin

It is proven that baptism meant immersion. Of course a person could become immersed by dipping, pouring if you poured long enough, and by sprinkling if you wanted to be there all day until the person is covered.

Sprinkling and pouring never meant immerse but were avenues whereby a person could become immersed.Dipping was the method used except in extreme cases where there was little water or say a well was to narrow.

The Didache said to pour water on a persons head three times if you had no other alternative.

This wasn't symbolic baptism, but an honest effort to wet the whole person. It was only used as a last resort and there was no proof God accepted it as valid. People hoped God would accept it as a best effort to comply with the commandment. Three times they poured hoping to fully cover the person or fully wet them.

In Catholicism isprinkling and pouring are no longer a best effort, but a customary way of doing less than God commanded. They are not actually trying to immerse the person but ask all parties to presume God will be ok with a sprinkle here and there.

It is a presumptuous act.

Psa 19:13  Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

It is willfully doing less than commanded.

Since there is no actual testimony from God concerning sprinkling or pouring where the person is partially wetted it is presumptuous to proceed in that manner. It is best to fully comply with God.

Why place your soul in the hands of the presumptuous, when they have no testimony from God concerning their religious practices.