Prodigal Son

The difference between moral works and works of faith and love are clearly seen in the story of the prodigal son.

Reconciliation with his Father meant.

1. Realizing he was sinful in wasting his inheritance.

2. Thinking back to the Father and having the faith his Father would receive him.

3. Physically returning to the place his Father lived.

4. Confessing his sin to the Father.

5. Accepting the place his Father gave him.

What we see in this story is that works were necessary in returning to the Father and being blessed. He had to physically return and confess.

This does not imply he was morally perfect, even after repenting and returning we can be sure he wasn't perfect. Just as his older brother who was in fellowship with the Father all along, who had animosity toward his brother.

Fellowship never implied perfection. The works necessary for reconciliation aren't simply moral, but faith based. Faith in the Father's love toward us.

The prodigal son was blessed based upon reconciliation and fellowship, even when he had spent all and could never bless himself.

It is also possible that the killing of the fatted calf represented Christ. It had been prepared for this day.

True fellowship required the work of the prodigal  in returning, and the work of the Father in forgiving and blessing. I am sure the older son helped raise and prepare the fatted calf, perhaps a story of helping the Fathers plan without real cooperation just as the Jewish nation offered Christ..