
Paul warned Timothy and Titus about those in the church turning to fables. Peter warned about fables in his letters. Paul was so concerned that he said to Titus their mouths must be stopped.

Tit 1:14  NotG3361 giving heedG4337 to JewishG2451 fables,G3454 andG2532 commandmentsG1785 of men,G444 that turn fromG654 theG3588 truth.G225

Many fables are used to teach principles in the church that aren't scripture. The little drummer boy teaches that it is ok to use any special talent to glorify Christ and to please Christ. This concept was used to bring in musical instruments.

Many fables are now used in Christendom to draw away people.

The Drummer Boy - musical instruments

Christmas trees - magical trinkets

Santa Claus - prayer to saints and miracles

Easter stories - mixing of Easter and Judaism


Such stories though popular aren't scripture. The notion of Jewish fables leads us to the Talmud and early Jewish writings.


Many of these fables came later than Paul's warning to Timothy.