Faith Only After Salvation

Since faith only didn't originally argue against baptism in the salvation process we can ask questions about faith only after being baptized and saved in Christ. This is pertinent to Catholics and Lutherans, plus restoration churches like the Christian Church Disciples or conservative Christian denominations. It can also apply to the unity in diversity groups of the churches of christ who use faith only to implement differing methods of worship.

The idea, if salvation after baptism is faith only, then worship method doesn't restrict salvation.

The question is, does faith only allow worship in any method as long as we have faith.

In reality, faith only isn't even true after entering a saved relationship.

There are many verses that tell us to follow christ after being saved.

John 4:23-24 True worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth.

This is part of justification by faith. Worship was the method God used to justify Abraham as he said to his son "We will go yonder and worship"

It was this offering that God used to justify.

We have to view worship as an on going thing in the John 4:23 context, not a one time act. Plus the context is worship in two cultures no longer being acceptable. John 4 context is neither Judea nor Samaria, though both had Abrahemic roots, would be acceptable to God.

Cultural worship had to be replaced with New Testament truth and concept.