
Works are portrayed differently from verse to verse.

Works of the law

Not of Works

Justified by works

Works of righteousness

Not of Works

work of faith


It just depends upon the context. It also depends upon the object following which may signify what type or origin of works.

Works of the law may not mean all works

Works of righteousness may not include all works

works of faith do not include all works

It is when we see works used by itself that we have issues with discernment.

Not of works lest any man should boast.

Abraham was justified by works.

We really have to include context into the equation. Not of works could speak of God's choice to call us, not the justification process itself. There can be other contextual theories that allow it to all fit together.

Every word of God is pure, so every statement is true in its proper context, it is up to us to figure it out by the grammatical and contextual clues God has given us.

Consider the terminology Paul used.

1. without works or apart from works (Greek word means separated from works)

2. not of works -- of signifies origin, not process (origin of grace was before creation)

works -- usually refers to the works of the law, but can mea all works. 

One phrase speaking of the origin of God's grace, the other speaking of separation of evil works from judgment.

They don't refer to the same thing.