Authority From Peter

The Catholic church makes a big doctrinal mistake in claiming authority to change Peter and the other apostles commands or examples. They claim the authority of Peter to dictate Church doctrine was passed to them in a succession of Popes and Bishops.

The problem is that the right to bind and loose as given to Peter and the apostles would actually forbid later Church leaders from changing apostolic commands or examples. Whatever Peter bound would be bound and could not be changed or over turned.

An example would be celibacy, Peter lived out the example that elders could be married. We also know from history that celibacy rules were created after the apostles had passed.

Catholic authority theory is actually backwards from Christ's directive of binding and loosing given from Christ to Peter.

In this area of doctrine they are anti-Christ or against Christ.

The phrase should be the authority of Peter to bind, not the authority from Peter to bind.