Character First

Another way to control society is through education programs that promote christian traits without calling it christianity. Our laws prohibit discrimination in government, schools, the work place, and anywhere that religion has no place in decision making.

Character First is a program designed to get around laws against religious discrimination by calling it something else. Character vs religious topics of behavior. It places the role of rewarding or punishing good character in the hands of a few pre-selected judges who control the outcomes in businesses or government.


At DSR Christian pastors were placed in the work force as fascilitators.

They are similar to fascilitators in communism, only they act for the religious group instead of communists. It is the same thing.

Make no mistake it is religious discrimination, pure and simple.

Since the basis of hiring, promotion, or firing is based on character, it can't be tied to religion. The real goal is to force education, but also to force most of the good jobs to people supporting their agenda. Comply and make good money, don't comply and you get poor. Long-term the goal is the control of wealth, their churches get richer and yours gets poorer.

After hurricane Katrina the leader of an Evangelical movement said that if they had been in charge that the atrocities at the metrodome wouldn't have occurred, that the people in the area lacked character training and it led to anarchy.

The cry, put us in control of society.

Actually what happened in New Orleans was caused by a purposefully slow response from a right wing administration, it was slow to make things as bad as possible for political reasons. They wanted to cry for control in the symbolism of a natural disaster made worse by their own control.

It is similar to cutting funding for public education so that they can make schools worse and not better. When the schools become bad enough people with means choose private religious schools. Over time they want control of all education.

Our public schools are bad because they want to force people to their institutions. They pretend to support education but cut funding to the point it becomes worse.

In Bartlesville Oklahoma they started tutoring programs in church settings to meet the needs of public problems caused by cuts in funding.

They could have just funded public education but chose not to, which forces after school programs in their churches. It is a problem self-created by evangelicals for their long-term agenda.

Though covered in compassion and highly publicized, its real goal is control and its purpose evil.

Cutting taxes so that the private sector takes over sounds good, but really means we want to change the religious freedom of our country. Less government control is just speak for we don't want anti-discrimination laws keeping us from making ourselves the haves of society and instituting our religion on others.

(it may succeed, for the beast would give his power to the Prophet)