mathematics and english tasks

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes

Colegiado do Curso de Letras (apoio)

Projeto de Extensão:

"Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa na UESC"

Coordenação geral:

Prof. Isaias Carvalho


Mathematics and English for Specific Purposes

(Edital UESC 157.2012)




Prof. Isaias Carvalho

Prof. Ângela Cabala

Prof. Jorge Onodera

Fulbright Teaching Assistant Giuseppe Céspedes

Fulbright Teaching Assistant Alessandra Stachowski

Edital 157.2012


Task 10 Further preparation for the oral presentations (Task 9) on November 13th and November 20th: open the attached file at the bottom of the page. It was designed by Alessandra Stachowski, and it's called Oral presentations Mathematics and EAP.pptx. Break a leg!

Task 9 With Alessandra Stachowski. Prepare for a 10-minute oral presentation (individually or in pairs) on one of the topics below:

3. The Meaning of Mathematics Instruction in Multilingual Classrooms: Analyzing the Importance of Responsibility for Learning

4. Crossroads in the History of Mathematics andMathematics Education. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Series in Mathematics Education

5. High School Teachers' Perceptions of the Inclusion of History of Mathematics in the Classroom

6. Discoursing Mathematically: Using Discourse Analysis to Develop a Sociocritical Perspective of Mathematics Education

7. Teachers' Beliefs about School Mathematics and Mathematicians' Mathematics and Their Relationship to Practice

Presentation dates: November 13th and November 20th

Task 8 Philosophy and Mathematics. Open the attached file called "Mathematics and philosophy" (at the bottom of this page). Answer the questions. Be ready to discuss them in class.

Task 7 Academic chat with Alessandra Stachowski. Read her bio. Ask her further questions on her academic experience, and her relationship with math. [remember to finish task 6: we stopped in number 3]

Task 6 Open the attached file called "A Relational Perspective on Issues of Cultural Diversity and Equity as They Play Out in the Mathematics Classroom" (at the bottom of this page). Answer the questions. Be ready to discuss them in class.

Task 5 Read about ethnomathematics. Click here.

Task 4 Watch Arthur Benjamin: Teach statistics before calculus! What is Arthur Benjamin's main argument? Do you agree with him? Teacher Giuseppe Céspedes will ask you further questions and request comments in class.

Task 3 Academic chat with Giuseppe Céspedes. Read his bio. Ask him further questions on his academic experience, and his relationship with math.

Task 2 Use the very basic questions below to practice sentence starters and connectors, such as: From my point of view, ... / In my (personal) opinion, ... / In short, ... / In a nutshell, ... / As far as ______ is concerned, ... / It is believed that... / However, ... / On the other hand, ... / As a result, ... / Therefore, ... / Thus, ... / What's more, ... / Besides (that), ... / In addition (to that), ... / Furthermore, ... / As a matter of fact, ... / Actually, ... / To tell you the truth, ....

1) Are all intelligent people good at maths?

2) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘mathematics’?

3) Were you good at maths at school?

4) Did you like maths at school?

5) Are you good at mental arithmetic now?

6) What is maths useful for nowadays if we have computers and calculators?

7) Why is maths so important at schools?

8) Are people who are really good at maths very interesting?

9) Did you have a favourite or a hated maths teacher?

10) How often do you use maths of some kind in a normal day?

11) Are girls or boys better at maths?

12) How many different branches of mathematics do you know of?

13) What do you know about the history of maths?

14) Are there times when two plus two equals five? [questions adapted from:]

Task 1 Open the attached file called "Trends and issues in High School Mathematics: Research insights and needs" (at the bottom of this page). Answer the following questions. Be ready to discuss them in class.

Reading Comprehension:

  1. What’s the work called?

  2. Who’s the work by?

  3. What are its main ideas?

  4. What are some key words related to it?

  5. What is (are) its main objective (s)?

  6. What country is it about [or located in]?

  7. What two publications are mentioned in the abstract?

  8. Other notes and comments.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the situation of Brazilian High School Mathematics?

  2. What are the main challenges in the teaching of Mathematics in Brazilian High School?

  3. What are the main issues related to Mathematics Teacher Education at UESC and in other universities?

  4. Who is to blame?

  5. _____________ [make up your own questions for discussion]

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Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Imagens-tema no final desta página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho