Stuart Hall. Cultural identity and diaspora


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão Dinamizando o Ensino da Língua Inglesa na UESC

Coordenação geral: Prof. Dr. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho

Fichamentos diplomáticos de Isaias Carvalho

Annotated Reading Records by Isaias Carvalho

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HALL, Stuart. Cultural identity and diaspora. In: WILLIAMS, Patrick; CHRISMAN, Laura. (Eds.). Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: a reader. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. p. 392-403.

A - Considerações Gerais:

1. De um modo geral, cultural identity nem sempre tem um lastro na realidade direta, mas que se perpetua no imaginário, portanto com conseqüências práticas.

2. Ler também: HALL, Stuart. Quem precisa da identidade? In: SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu (org. e trad.). Identidade e diferença: a perspectiva dos estudos culturais. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000. p. 103-133.

3. Ler FANON, especialmente Black Skins, White Masks.

4. Ler Orientalismo, de Said.

5. ver conceito de identificação (psicanálise). p. 106...

6. ver os conceitos\metáforas de Présence Africanine, Présence Européenne e Présence Americaine, de Aimé Césaire e Léopold Senghor, que são descritas por Hall, para pensar a questão da identidade cultural. [p. 398-400]: [p. 398] Africa, the signified which could not be represented directly in slavery, remained and remains the unspoken unspeakable ‘presence’ in the Caribbean culture. \\ [p. 399] Where Africa was a case of the unspoken, Europe wa a case of that which is endlessly speaking – and endlessly speaking us. \\ [p. 400-1] The Third, ‘New World’ presence… […] None of th4e people who now occupy the islandas – black, brown, white, African, European, American, Spanish, French, East Indian, Chinese, Portuguese, Jew, Dutch – originally ‘belonged’ there. It the space where the creolisations and assimilations and syncretisms were negotiated. The New World is the third term – the primal scene – where the fateful\fatal encounter was staged between Africa and the West. It also has to be understood as the place of many, continuous displacements: of the original pre-Columbian inhabitants, the Arawaks, Caribs and Amerindians, permanently displaced form their homelands and decimated; o other peoples displace in different ways from Africa, Asia and Europe; the displacements of slavery, colonization and conquest. […] It is the signifier of migration itself – of traveling, voyaging and return as fate, as destiny.

B – Alguns termos-chave:

Cultural identity: [p. 392] “[...] instead of thinking of identity as an already accomplished fact, which the new cultural practices then represent, we should think, instead, of identity as a ‘production’ which is never complete, always in process, and always constituted within, not outside, representation.” [ver abaixo p. 393-5 para mais detalhes sobre o termo]

Posições-de-sujeito: [p.3934-5] conceito de Hall em outros textos [Quem precisa da identidade?]

Diáspora: [p. 401-2] The ‘New World’ presence – America, Terra Incognita – is therefore itself the beginning of diaspora, of diversity, of hybridity and difference, what makes Afro-Caribbean people already people of a diaspora. I use this term here metaphorically, not literally: diaspora does not refer us to those scattered tribes whose identity can only be secured in relation to some sacred homeland to which they must at all costs return, even if it means pushing other people into the sea. This is the old, the imperialising, the hegemonising, form of ‘ethnicity’. We have seen the fate of the people of Palestine at the hands of this backward-looking conception of diaspora – and the complicity of the West with it. The diaspora experience as I intent it here is defined, not by essence or purity, but by the recognition of a necessary heterogeneity and diversity; by a conception of ‘identity’ which lives with an through, not despite, difference; by hybridity. Diaspora identities are those which are constantly producing and reproducing themselves anew, through transformation and difference.

C – Trechos extraídos do livro:

Fichamentos diplomáticos de Isaias Carvalho

Annotated Reading Records by Isaias Carvalho

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poéticos acadêmicos parentéticos

Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Imagens dos temas na base desta página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho