Questions on Literature

Anglophone Literatures

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

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UESC – DLA – Curso de Letras

Anglophone Literature

Professor: Isaias Carvalho

Questions on Literature

1. What is literature?

2. What is English literature?

      What is Anglophone literature?

      What is British literature?

      What are literatures in English?

3. What is canon?

4. What is a classic? What makes a literary work “classic”?

5. Is there any distinction between literature that is worth studying and literature that is not? How do we draw such distinction?

6. How many Anglophone authors can you name?

7. How many of Shakespeare's plays can you name?

8. Have you read a translation of any Anglophone literary work in Portuguese?

9. What sort of books do you enjoy reading?

10. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

11. What is your favorite book (literary work)? Who is your favorite writer?

12. How do you believe literature can help you to get familiar with a culture?

13. Do you think that books are a thing of the past?

14. Who is your favorite character from literature?

15. Why (if) is literature important in our lives?

16. Tell us a little about a book you have read recently:

Who’s it by?

Did you enjoy it?

How long did it take to read?

Briefly, what was the story about?