Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC / Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão "Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa na UESC" @ Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho

Plano Nacional de Formação dos Professores da Educação Básica



Metodologia do Ensino de Literatura de Língua Inglesa - Tasks

These tasks and resources are for free use by both professors and students of English.

This page is part of the production of the UESC extension project Dinamizando/Inglês. Welcome!


Parfor homepage

Teaching methodology homepage


Tasks for the first week of class: July 2013


Task 1 Read the following pages: Course Description, Assessment, and Bibliography of Parfor Metodologia do Ensino de Literatura de Língua Inglesa - UESC 2013.2

Task 2 General Review of the jargon on teaching methodology: (1) read all the concepts and their definitions on the file - "Jargon on methodology PARFOR 2013" - attached at the bottom of this page (we'll have a group dynamics based on this reading). (2) Pick out 3 of the concepts listed and do some further research. Bring notes to share in class.

Task 3 Go to the page O ensino de literaturas em língua estrangeira no curso de Letras: uma idéia fora do lugar?. Be ready to share your highlights and comments. Bring your reading notes.

Task 5 Building a poem. Click here. Listen to some soothing music while you look at the picture of a waterfall. Take 5 minutes to write down a sentence (maximum of 10 words) based on your reaction to both music and image. Follow the other instructions by your professor.


Tasks for the second week of class: August 2013


under construction

Task 6 Read the text "O texto literário no ensino de língua estrangeira", by Cesário Alvim Pereira Filho and Cláudia Paulino de Lanis (UESC professors). [check full reference here] Answer questions made by your professor.

Task 7 Check the page British Council Lesson Plans. Explore some of the lesson plans proposed. Pick out one that deals with reading and/or literature in the teaching of English. Analize it. Bring notes to share in class.

Task 8 Go to Teaching materials: using literature in the EFL/ ESL classroom. Read the article and reflect on its main ideas.

Task 9 Click here. Analize the teaching material (lesson plan) using poetry. What do you think about it? Is it usable in an English classroom in our context? Design a similar material using some other poem, a short story or an excerpt of a novel/play. Adapt the different steps and instructions to your lesson plan.

Task 10 Lost in the woods. Read the book and write a synopsis of it. Also, make any comments you deem pertinent. We will need that for a task we'll do in class.


Tasks for the third week of class: September 2013


under construction

Task 11 Go to Acquainted with the night. Follow the instructions.

Task 12 Turn in Lesson Plan - Credit 1 [no arquivo anexo, na base desta página, modelo de lesson plan a ser seguido. Arquivo: PARFOR_Metodologia_Literatura_de_Língua_Inglesa_MODELO_LESSON_PLAN]

Deadline for final revised version: October 7th

Task 13 Oral presentations - Credit 2: demonstration/performance of Lesson Plan [We'll decide on the order of presentations in our first meeting]

Task 14 Since I won't be able to make it on the 23rd of September and the Program Coordination couldn't change that particular class date, students will receive the attendance credit for those 5 hours if they turn in a 10-item list with the main ideas and comments on the following file attached at the bottom of this page: "Prabhu_no-best-methods-why.pdf".

Task 15 Happy classes!

PARFOR - main page #

Publicações de alunos e professores #


Course Description




British Council Lesson Plans

Anglophone Literature I

Anglophone Literature II

Anglophone Literature III





English Domain

Calculadora de Prova Final UESC