Quiz 9 - As and Like

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 9

As and Like

Shepherd, J. et al. Ways to Grammar. Macmillan, 1990.

Part A: Complete these sentences with like or as.

Examples: This house is beautiful. It’s like a palace.

Ann failed her driving test as we expected.

1 Do you think Ann looks her mother?

2 He really gets on my nerves. I can’t stand people him.

3 Why didn’t you do it I told you to do it?

4 ‘Where does Bill work?’ ‘He works in a bank, most of his friends.’

5 He never listens. Talking to him is talking to a wall.

6 I said yesterday, I’m thinking of going to Canada.

7 Tom’s idea seemed a good one, so we did he suggested.

8 It’s a difficult problem. I never know what to do in situations this.

9 I’ll phone you tomorrow evening usual, okay?

10 This coffee is terrible. It tastes water.

11 Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was a bomb exploding.

12 She’s a really good swimmer. She swims a fish.

Part B: Complete the following with as and like.

1 ‘If you are working a teacher, it’s all right to behave a teacher, but when you come home, behave a husband!’

2 Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in President of the United States in 1963. Of course, his predecessor, John F. Kennedy, he was a Democrat.

3 Some countries, Bulgaria, Poland and Czechoslovakia, became part of the Eastern Block after the Second World War. Communists, the members of their governments disapproved of private enterprise.

4 Chile, the largest producer of copper in South America, is strategically important. It does not only produce copper, however, and, its neighbour Argentina, it makes a considerable amount of wine.

5 Napoleon more than a century before, Hitler invaded Russia, but was unsuccessful. fighting men, his soldiers were well-trained but they could not endure the cold weather.

6 a number of other American politicians, Ronald Reagan makes a good impression on television. a former actor, of course, he has a great advantage.

7 Oil, other sources of energy, is becoming more expensive, even though, since 1974, production has increased in many places the North Sea, Africa and the Gulf of Mexico.

8 Speaking the official Head of Government, the Queen reads a speech at the opening of Parliament. However, the speech does not express her personal opinions, and, many of her listeners, she may not agree with everything she says.

9 Wellington defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. the victor in this crucial battle, he was treated a Roman hero on his return to England.

10 Foreign Secretary, Sir Anthony Eden, was a successful politician, but many people thought he looked more a film-actor than a Minister.

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