A Shakespeare Quiz


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão "Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa" #

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho # Profa. Elaine Cristina Medeiros Frossard #


A Shakespeare Quiz

Note: if you want to have the answert to this quiz, please send Dr. Isaias Carvalho a request to isaiasfcarvalho@gmail.com

1. In what year was Shakespeare born?

  1. 1564

  2. 1616

  3. 1558

  4. 1592


2. Shakespeare was born in what town or city?

  1. London

  2. Stratford-upon-Avon

  3. Snitterfield

  4. Oxford


3. Shakespeare attended the Stratford Grammar School, also known as the King's New School:

  1. From 1569 to 1579

  2. He did not attend school.

  3. There are no records of his school attendance, but it is highly likely he attended that school.


4. Who did Shakespeare marry?

  1. Judith Sadler

  2. Susanna Hall

  3. Anne Hathaway

  4. Mary Queen of Scots


5. Shakespeare was the father of how many children?

  1. 3

  2. 2

  3. 10

  4. 1


6. Shakespeare left his home town of Stratford because:

1. He was caught poaching on the lands of Sir Thomas Lucy and fled to avoid prosecution.

2. He was apprenticed to his father who was a butcher. He hated the work and ran away to London.

3. He took a job as a school teacher in the country, and left to pursue this career.

4. It is not known for sure how or why he left.


7. The London theaters were closed on account of a virulent outbreak of the plague in 1593 and part of 1594. Specifically, what disease was this?

  1. Tuberculosis

  2. The Plague of Frogs

  3. Bubonic Plague

  4. The pox


8. Is it possible to say in exactly what order Shakespeare's plays were written?

  1. Yes

  2. No.


9. In 1594 Shakespeare became one of the founding members of what acting company?

  1. The Lord Chamberlain's Men

  2. The King's Men

  3. The Royal Shakespeare Company


10. In what year was the Globe Theater built?

  1. 1594

  2. 1599

  3. 1608

  4. 1613


11. Some time after 1599-1600 Shakespeare turned from writing predominantly romantic comedies and history plays to tragedies. Which five plays are known as his "great tragedies"?

  1. Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra

  2. The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, Henry V, Twelfth Night

  3. King John, Henry VI Part 1, Richard II, Richard III, Henry VIII

  4. Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Cymbeline.


12. In 1603 Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men, became the King's Men. Which king was their patron?

  1. George III

  2. James I

  3. Edward III

  4. Henry VIII


13. Beginning around 1608 Shakespeare wrote 4 plays, Pericles Prince of Tyre, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest, often categorized as:

  1. Masques

  2. Romances

  3. Melodramas

  4. Dark Tragedies


14. In what year was the first collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, called the First Folio, published?

  1. 1599

  2. 1616

  3. 1623

  4. 1685


15. Is it reasonable to think that someone other than William Shakespeare (1564-1616) of Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the works attributed to him?

  1. Yes

  2. No


16. Which of these was not one of Shakespeare's plays

1. Titus Andronicus

2. The Tempest

3. Cymbeline

4. Shakespeare in love


17. When did Sakespeare write his plays?

1. 15th and 16th century

2. 14th and 15th Century

3. 16th and 17th Century

4. 17th and 18th Century


18. What was the theatre in London that Shakespeare was associated with?

1. The World

2. The Britain

3. The Circle

4. The Globe


19. How many words did Shakespeare actually 'invent'?

1. About 3,000

2. None!

3. About 1,000

4. About 13,000


20. How old was Shakespeare when he died?

1. 49

2. 50

3. 51

4. 52


21. The line "To be or not to be" comes from which play?

1. King Lear.

2. Richard II.

3. Julius Caesar.

4. Hamlet.


22. What happened to the Globe Theatre in 1613?

1. It leaked

2. It fell down

3. It was opened

4. It burnt down


23. Which of these conventional statements is most accurate?

1. Shakespeare wrote over 10 plays

2. Shakespeare wrote over 70 plays

3. Shakespeare wrote over 50 plays

4. Shakespeare wrote over 30 plays


24. What is William Shakespeare most famous for?

1. Writing Music

2. Writing Plays

3. Making Films

4. Defeating the Spanish Armada


25. Which river is associated with Shakespeare's birth place?

1. The Thames

2. The Avon

3. The Tyburn

4. The Seven


26. Who is Hamlet?

1. Thane of Cawdor

2. Duke of Sussex

3. Prince of Denmark

4. Pagan god


27. Prospero, magician and ruler of a remote island, is found in which play?

1. "Love's Labours Lost"

2. "The Tempest"

3. "The Winter's Tale"

4. "Cymbeline"


28. Iago is responsible for the downfall of which great character?

1. Macbeth

2. Pericles

3. Othello

4. Brutus


29. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

1. 10

2. 320

3. 154

4. 200


30. Shylock is the villain in which play?

1. "Timon of Athens"

2. "Measure for Measure"

3. "Coriolanus"

4. "The Merchant of Venice"