Quiz 5 - Prepositions of Time: at, on, in

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 5

Prepositions of time: at, on and in

Shepherd, J. et al. Ways to Grammar. Macmillan, 1990.

Complete the following with prepositions from the box:

The holiday in Scotland was a great success. Kate had been there before, (1) 1968 to be precise, but that had been a long time ago and she had gone (2) the autumn when the days were shorter and cooler.

This year she and her friends had decided to go (3) July and had begun their preparations (4) the beginning of spring.

The group left London (5) July 10th early (6) the morning. Although there were four of them in the old car and it was loaded with camping equipment, they arrived in the Highlands (7) 8 o’clock (8) the evening. They quickly pitched their tents beside the lake, and (9) dusk they lit a fire and cooked supper.

The days went by quickly. Often Kate woke up (10) sunrise and went for a quick swim in the cold water of the lake. (11) the mornings the four friends went for a walk in the hills or went sailing on the lake. (12) midday they had a picnic lunch and then went fishing or horse riding (13) the afternoons.

(14) _____ sunset Kate lit the fire and cooked a hot supper. Everybody went to bed (15) about 9.30, and (16) night they slept very soundly.

The weather was warm and sunny most of the time, but it rained quite heavily (17) the third day, Wednesday, and again (18) Saturday evening.

The group returned to London (19) the third week of July, very happy with their holiday, and fit and tanned. Kate, at least, is determined to return to Scotland (20) the next long vacation.

at on in

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