Review Quizzes 2010.1

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão Dinamizando o Ensino da Língua Inglesa na UESC

Coordenação geral: Prof. Dr. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho



Projeto de Iniciação à Docência:

O Uso da Internet no Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa e de Literaturas de Língua Inglesa

Coordenador: Professor Dr. Isaías Francisco de Carvalho

Monitores: Joel Gomes Silva Neto / Matheus Xavier Almeida

Quiz 18


A- Mark the option that best completes each question. (SO, TOO, NEITHER, EITHER, BUT)

  1. I’m learning English ___________________.

a) and so are Kelly and Jeremmy

b) and so does Jeremmy

c) but Kelly doesn’t

2. I didn’t watch any films last week, ___________________.

a) and Carla does.

b) and Carla do.

c) neither did Carla.

3. He has never been to England, _____________________.

a) and neither have I.

b) and have I neither.

c) neither do I.

4. Mary can’t go to Salvador.________________________.

a) Can’t I neither.

b) Neither can I.

c) Neither do I.

5. I don’t go to the cinema frequently. _____________________.

a) Either do Marta and Peter.

b) Marta and Peter don’t either.

c) Marta and Peter don’t neither.

6. Jack’s mother is a teacher. Paulo’s father____________________.

a) does too

b) either is.

c) is too.

B- Use the correct preposition: at, in, to or on.

1. Marcos is probably____ the station now.

2. She is ______ bed studying for the exam.

3. They are ______ home waiting for you.

4. I drove to work, but I came home _____ foot.

5. We’re going ______ Spain next year.

6. My vacation is ______ July.

7. Helen is studying law ______ college.

8. I’m sorry! I’m late. My car broke down ______ the way here.

9. There’s a small table ______ the middle of the room.

10. I didn’t go _____ São Paulo last month.

11. Don’t believe everything you see _____ newspaper!

12. Goodbye! See you _____ Friday.

13. I got up ______ 8 o’clock this morning.

14. Do you work _______ Saturdays?

15. Deyse and I first met _______1979.

16. Julia’s birthday is _______ January.

17. I like to look at the stars ______ night.

18. I’m starting my new job _______ 3 July.

19. George isn’t here _______ the moment.

20. We often go to the beach _______ the summer.

C- Complete the text with the following prepositions: in, at, to or from.

The Prophecy

People who live 1 in California have every reason to be afraid of earthquakes. No one has ever forgotten the great quake that destroyed San Francisco ______ 1906. 3_____ May, 1988, the people of Los Angeles panicked. According to a prophecy made 4______ the 16th century by a prophet called Nostradamus, the city would be destroyed early 5______ 1988. During the panic, parents didn’t send their children 6_______ school and people didn’t go 7______ work. No one stayed 8________ home, either. The airlines did great business carrying people who led 9_______ their ‘doomed city’. Which is more puzzling: how Nostradamus knew that a city which didn’t exist 10_______ his time would be destroyed 11_______ the 20th century, or the behaviour of the people who believed ‘the prophecy’?

D- Put in during/while/for.

1. We didn’t speak ______ we were eating.

2. We didn’t speak ______ the meal.

3. George phoned _______ you were at university.

4. I stayed in Rome _______ five days.

5. The students looked very bored _______ the lesson.

6. I don’t usually watch TV ________ the day.

E- Read the information about these people and complete the sentences. Use from…to / until / since.

ALEX: I live in England now. I lived in Canada before. I came to England in 1990.

ALICE: I Live in Brazil now. I lived in France before. I came to Brazil in 1991.

CAROL: I work in a restaurant now. I worked in a hotel before. I started work in the restaurant in 1993.

HENRY: I’m a salesman now. I was a teacher before. I started work as a salesman in 1989.

  1. (Alex / Canada / 1982-1990) Alex lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990.

  2. (Alex / Canada / →1990) Alex lived in Canada _________________________________1990.

  3. (Alex / England / 1990 →) Alex has lived in England __________________________________.

  4. (Alice / France / →1991) Alice lived in ___________________________________________.

  5. (Alice / Brazil / 1991→) Alice has lived in ________________________________________.

  6. (Carol / a hotel / 1990-1993) Carol worked ___________________ 1990 ___________________.

  7. (Carol / a restaurant / 1990→) Carol has worked ________________________________________.

  8. (Henry / a teacher / 1983-1989) Henry was a ____________________________________________.

  9. (Henry / a salesman / 1989→) Henry has been __________________________________________.

F- Put in about, according to, across, after, at, away, because, before, behind, in front of, on.

A Good Year for a Left Ear

My friend Jonathan, who lives 1 across the road, develops and prints films. 2______________ Jonathan most of us take awful pictures. Usually, we fail to aim 3______ the subject so that the subject is not even in the picture. Sometimes the subject is too far 4________; sometimes too near. Some photos are spoilt because the sun is 5_________ us, when of course, it should always be 6__________ us. Some of us take blank pictures 7________ we take the lens cover off 8_________ we have taken our shots. We take most of our pictures when we are on holiday and like to catch our friends when they are fooling 9 ________. It’s a pity we don’t practice using our cameras 10_________ we go on holiday. A good book 11________ photography would make us better 12_________ taking pictures, but most of us are too lazy to bother. I asked Jonathan what was the worst film he had ever seen. He didn’t have to think very hard 13__________ the question. At once he answered, ‘Twenty-four shots of the photographer’s left ear!’

G- Supply suitable words.

Ø About or on?

1. Read this article _______ the Antartic.

2. I’ve read a lot of books ______ animals.

Ø According to or by?

3. ___________Dr. Pim, the sea is rising.

4. ___________the timeable, the train leaves at 8:27.

5. It’s 10:15 _______ my watch.

Ø Across or over?

6. We skated _________ the frozen lake.

7. I’m going to swim _______ the river.

8. No one wants a pipeline ______ Alaska.

Ø Because or because of?

9. I couldn’t get to work _________ I was ill.

10. I couldn’t get to work _________ my illness.

Ø Before or in front of?

11. Make sure you’re there _________ 7.

12. I’ll wait for you _________ the shop.

Ø After or afterwards?

13. Come and see me ______ work.

14. We tidied up. Our guests arrived soon _____________.

15. We had a swim and __________ we sunbathed.

Ø Around or about?

16. We stood ________ waiting.

17. I wish you’d stop fooling ________.

18. Let me show you ________ Manchester.

19. He lives somewhere _________ Manchester.

Ø At, to or against?

20. I’m not very good ______ figures.

21. Throw it _______ me so that I can catch it.

22. Jim is always throwing stones ______ birds.

23. We fought ______ the enemy.

24. We have combs ______ $2 each.

Ø Behind, at the back (of) or back?

25. There’s a garden in front and one __________.

26. Keep this book. I don’t want it _________.

27. There’s a garden _________ the house.

28. I saw him four years _________.

29. They invited us. We must invite them _________.

30. I’ve fallen to lift it out the hole but it feel________.

Ø Beside or besides?

31. Who was sitting _________ you?

32. Who’s invited _________ us?

Ø Between or among?

33. Divide it equally ________ the two of you.

34. Switzerland lies _________ four other countries.

35. I saw you _____ the crowd.

Ø But (for) or except (for)?

36. The plane would’ve landed _________ the fog.

37. Everyone sent flowers ________ you.

38. ________ you, everyone sent flowers.

39. Everyone’s here _______ John.

40. Who ________ John would do a thing like that?

Ø Like or as?

41. There’s no business _______ show business.

42. ________ a lawyer, I would advise caution.

43. I once worked _______ a bus conductor.

44. This motorway is ________ a car park!

Ø Over, above or on top of?

45. I can’t sleep with a light _______ my head.

46. Don’t put that cup _______ my papers, please.

47. The helicopter was ________ the lifeboat.

48. My bedroom is _______ the kitchen.

49. We have the sky ________ us.

50. We don’t want a boss like that ________ us.

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Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Imagens dos temas: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho