DURING, Simon (ed.; introd.). The cultural studies reader – introduction


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão Dinamizando o Ensino da Língua Inglesa na UESC

Coordenação geral: Prof. Dr. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho

Fichamentos diplomáticos de Isaias Carvalho

Annotated Reading Records by Isaias Carvalho

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DURING, Simon (Ed.; Introd.). The cultural studies reader – introduction. Second edition. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. p. 1-29.

A - Considerações Gerais:

1. ANOTAÇOES DURANTE AS AULAS COM Eneida Cunha: 1. Um dado básico para o surgimento dos E. C. é a noção de fragmentação do todo de classe pelos diferentes interesses dentro das chamadas classes; 2. Estudar Omeros também é uma forma ambivalente de estar nos E. C. sem deixar o cânone; o momento atual dos E. C. (ver p. 17-25), segundo Eneida, ainda está distante de nós no Brasil [?].

2. Dois livros que são considerados fundadores dos E. C.: The Uses of Literacy (1957: a practical-critical attack on modern mass culture), de Richard Hoggart, e Culture and Society, 1780-1950 (1958), de Raymond Williams.

3. Não esquecer de procurar o conceito de HEGEMONIA como proposto por Gramsci, especialmente para contrasta-lo com o termo DOMINAÇÃO.

4. IMPORTANTE! [p. 23…] crítica pertinente ao pós-colonial!!! Globalização! [ver primeiro anotações abaixo]

5. Ver análise sobre “Estudos culturais engajados” [p. 24-5]. Esse é o lugar de fala de DURING: “for those of us with a commitment to engaged cultural studies, it would seem that three tasks become particularly urgent: first, clearly to articulate engaged cultural studies’ specific project; second, to analyze the conditions which underpin the general turn to culture just describe; third, to develop strategies to maintain engaged cultural studies as a discrete formation inside the larger cultural turn.” [P. 25] e “[…] we need to think of cultural studies not as a traditional field or discipline, nor as a mode of interdisciplinarity, but as what I will call a field within multidisciplinarity.” [p. 27]

B – Alguns termos de outras fontes:

1. Leavisism: [p.2] an attempt before the 1950s to re-disseminate what is now commonly called, after Pierre Bourdieu, ‘cultural capital’ […]. Leavis wanted to use the educational system to distribute literary knowledge and appreciation more widely.

2. Culture: ver definições nas anotaçoes no item C.

3. Culture industry: what Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer [characterized as] highly developed music, film, and broadcasting business.

4. Hegemony: a word associated with Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist of the 1920s and 1930s. ‘Hegemony’ is a term to describe relations of domination which are not visible as such. It involves not coercion but consent on the part of the dominated (or ‘subaltern’). Gramsci himself elaborated the concept to explain why Mussolini’s fascism was so popular even though fascism curtailed the liberty of most Italians. [p. 4]

5. Polysemy: [p. 6] a technical word for the way in which a particular signifier always has more than one meaning, because ‘meaning’ is an effect of differences within a larger system. […] the Marlboro man, for instance, connoting ‘toughness’ in one context and ‘cancer’ in another.

6. Audience

7. Subcultures

8. Fields (Foucault, Bourdieu: capital cultural)

9. subjectivity

10. Thatcherism (New Right): is the political reflex of an affluent but threatened first-world society in a postcolonial world order. [p. 11-13].

11. Otherness

12. Globalization: p. 23: uma boa definição ou delimitação do que vem a ser este termo.

13. Diaspora

14. Cultural Populism (por-American)

15. Engaged cultural studies: [p. 24-5]

16. Cultural policy studies: [p. 16] Cultural policy studies itself takes two distinguishable forms, one economically orientated and pragmatic, the other more theoretical. The first, economic cultural policy analysis, starts from the recognition that much cultural production and distribution requires allocation of scarce resources – the limits to the number of stations that can operate in the radio spectrum for instance. \\ The other branch of cultural policy theory derives from Michel Foucault’s later work, though Foucault himself, despite advising a number of French governments, was ambivalent about this development of his thought. […] In its most radical guise, the neo-Foucauldian thesis argues that culture is neither an end in itself nor the product of autonomous agents – whether individuals or communities – but a mechanism for transmitting forms of ‘governmentality’, for ordering how we act, think, live.

17. Ethnography

18. Popular; everyday life

19. Post-colonial [p. 25-6]

20. Multidisciplinarity

C – Trechos extraídos do texto:

Fichamentos diplomáticos de Isaias Carvalho

Annotated Reading Records by Isaias Carvalho

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Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Imagens dos temas na base da página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho