Quiz 12 - Gerunds as Objects of Prepositions

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho / Profa. Elaine Cristina Medeiros Frossard

Quiz 12 Using Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions

Based on: Azar, B. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Prentice Hall Regents, 1989.

(a) We talked about going to Canada for our vacation.

(b) Sue is in charge of organizing the meeting.

(c) I’m interested in learning more about your work.

(d) I’m used to sleeping with the window open.

(e) I’m accustomed to sleeping* with the window open.

(f) I look forward to going home next month.

(g) They object to changing their plans at this late date.

(h) We talked about not going to the meeting, but finally decided we should go.

A gerund is frequently used as the object of a preposition.

In (d) through (g): to is a preposition, not part of an infinitive form, so a gerund follows.

Negative form: not precedes a gerund.

* Possible in British English: I’m accustomed to sleep with the window open.

Supply an appropriate preposition and verb form.

1 Alice isn’t interested in (look) looking for a new job.

2 Henry is excited (leave) for India.

3 You are capable (do) better work.

4 I have no excuse (be) late.

5 I’m accustomed (have) a big breakfast.

6 The rain prevented us (complete) the work.

7 Fred is always complaining (have) a headache.

8 Instead (study) , Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends.

9 Thank you (help) me carry the packages to the post office.

10 Mrs. Grant insisted (know) the whole truth.

11 He showed us how to get to his house (draw) a map.

12 You should take advantage (live) here.

13 Laura had a good reason (go, not) to class yesterday.

14 Everyone in the neighborhood participated (search) for the lost child.

15 I apologized to Diane (make) her wait for me.

16 The weather is terrible tonight. I don’t blame you (want, not) to go to the meeting.

17 Who is responsible (wash) and (dry) the dishes after dinner?

18 In addition (go) to school full-time, Sam has a part-time job.

19 The angry look on his face stopped me (speak) my mind.

20 Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object (go) to an Italian restaurant?

21 The mayor made another public statement for the purpose (clarify) the new tax proposal.

22 The thief was accused (steal) a woman’s purse.

23 The jury found Mr. Adams guilty (take) money from the company he worked for and (keep) it for himself.

24 Bill isn’t used (wear) a suit and tie every day.

25 I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation. I’m looking forward (eat) my mother’s cooking and (sleep) in my own bed.

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NucLi-IsF-UESC - Núcleo de Línguas - Idiomas sem Fronteiras



Localização: Pavilhão do Juizado Modelo, 1º andar, Sala do UESC English (meio do corredor, à direita)

Campus da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), Departamento de Letras e Artes (DLA)

Rodovia Jorge Amado, Km 16, Salobrinho, CEP 45662-900, Ilhéus, Bahia

Contato: nuclisf@uesc.br / 73-3680-5693 Horário de atendimento presencial: a ser definido

Coordenação Geral: Prof. Dr. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA