Quiz 2 - So, Too, Either, Not Either, But


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho

"practice makes [almost] perfect"

Quiz 2 - Additions with SO, TOO, NEITHER, NOT EITHER, and BUT

Circle the letter of the correct way to complete each sentence.

1. Bob gives us a lot of homework ______________.

a. and so does Leo. b. and Nely doesn’t either. c. but Ban does.

2. I am enjoying the course, but _______________.

a. my classmates aren’t. b. some people are. c. the girls don’t.

3. We used to think that grammar was boring _______________.

a. but now we do. b. and now we don’t. c. but now we don’t.

4. She had never seen Pavarotti before and _______________.

a. neither he had. b. neither had he. c. so hadn’t he.

5. Boris couldn’t find the information about Boipeba _______________.

a. and I couldn’t neither. b. but I couldn’t. c. and neither could I.

6. Mary is late _______________.

a. but John and Sue don’t b. and so are John and Sue c. and so do John and Sue.

7. By the time you get home I will have left _______________.

a. and so will Jerry b. and so have Jerry c. and Jerry won’t either.

8. When I called, the boys hadn’t left _______________.

a. and the girls hadn’t either b. and neither hadn’t the girls c. and so had the girls.

9. His parents are worried _______________.

a. and mine aren’t either b. and so do mine c. and so are mine.

10. Lucy has decided to move back to the US _______________.

a. but I don’t b. but I haven’t c. and I do too.

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